Try on watch Virtually | KiXR – a Metaverse company

KiXR introduces plug-ins for try-on watches virtually, revolutionizing the traditional in-store experience. In physical stores, users often lose focus while trying 5 to 7 watches in a row. With KiXR, we present watches with state-of-the-art animations showcasing the date and time, offering an unparalleled experience that empowers informed purchase decisions. This innovative approach allows users to explore different styles at their own pace, enhancing their overall shopping experience. Users are encouraged to share their virtual try-on experiences online, amplifying brand visibility. Through AR video calling, users can connect with up to six people in real time, seeking advice and opinions. Our cost-effective model ensures affordability, as you only pay for active SKUs. Elevate your watch shopping experience with KiXR's cutting-edge virtual try-on technology.