Scholarship In MD Pathology-Santosh Deemed To Be University

The Department provides expertise and diagnostic services in the field of Histopathology, Cytology, Clinical Pathology ,blood banking and Haematology.

Histopathology section deals with examination of the tissue removed surgically for histopathologic assessment of tissue. The histopathology diagnosis is required for treatment of patient. Suitable specimen are also preserved in museum, and used for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and during examination.

It also has a cryostat used to cut frozen section to give quick diagnosis (1/2 to 1 hour) while the patient is still on the operation table during surgery, and is of particular use in cancer patients.

The Haematology section of the department is involved in providing round the clock service to the indoor and outdoor patients and has latest state of art equipments (advanced haematology analyzers, Coagulometer)..

Cytopathology Section deals with examination of the body fluid and FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) to give diagnosis of cancer cases within very short time. Cancer screening for cancer cervix is also being done here.