Mistafog Special Effects | Air Mist Solutions

Mistafog Special Effects

Mistafog Special Effects- A Delightful Atmosphere
Elizabeth Quay – Perth W.A.

Misting special effects at this popular public area include mist or fog rising from the paved areas, plus lighting effects choreographed to provide interesting play areas for children and waterside relaxation for parents. Air mist solutions & water misting systems.

Here you can see the special effects misting being tested with the shallow reflection pools operating as well. The water jets and lights add to the overall effect.

Water Misting Systems
The water feature has 3 components water misting.

* Water jets that provide an interactive playground for visitors to enjoy.
* Mist or Fog clouds billow up and provide a cool refreshing experience in and around the water feature of water misting systems.
* Colored lighting effects give the water jets and the fog affects color and character at night water misterst.

In calmer conditions with all areas operating, it would be possible to create a cloud effect. Even in the blustery conditions on this day, the fog formed an effective visual effect and significant cooling feeling.

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