Missteps To Milestones: Parenting Mistakes As Opportunities

The journey of parenting is like no other endeavor adults undergo. It’s filled with joys and challenges, ups and downs, and parenting mistakes parents must learn to manage. Is it okay for parents to make mistakes? While it’s often defined as a consequential role people undertake, parenting isn’t for everybody. This statement might convey multiple sentiments, one being that it is a personal choice people decide on. The statement can also reflect the immense responsibility that comes with it. Parenting isn’t for everybody, not only because of the responsibility it brings but also because of the extreme ups and downs that not everyone is capable of handling and coping with. Looking after children can be exhausting and overwhelming, as much as it can create a sense of unparalleled happiness. After all, this is another life one is made liable with – another living and breathing personality that doesn’t come with a manual. Parenting presents real risks not only for children who are improperly cared for. But it can also influence parents’ mental health throughout…