In this 21st Century, Technologies are playing a vital role and give us pleasure calmness and easiness. As we all are get facilitated and taken advantages from different technologies on daily basis. where things are easier to easier because of telecom, cellphones, Internet, WiFi, emails and so many like technologies, but we don't know that how much we have been exposed and our privacy may also be interrupted by non concerned people. In this respect, we must know that how we can protect our selves from different cyber threats today that is related to Cyber Security.

Network Security for Professional course is one of the way to learn that how the Hackers can hack the PC or Systems, because after this the corporate or individual can understand that how to protect our systems from unwanted people who are interested to get our data or information and then use it for their bad purposes. in this respect, 3D EDUCATORS is offering the Network Security training program in Karachi or Pakistan or cyber security training in Karachi, which is totally practical and learning session from senior information security managers. This Network Security Training for Employees in Pakistan and Network Security training for IT Professional in Karachi is one the state of art training which enables you to really understand that how to protect and detect any unwanted packets from your live systems.

The professional should fully understand the following:
Communications and network security as it relates to voice, data, multimedia, and facsimile transmissions in terms of local area, wide area, and remote access networks.
Communications security techniques to prevent, detect, and correct errors so that integrity, availability, and the confidentiality of transactions over networks may be maintained.
Communications security management and techniques that prevent, detect, and correct errors so that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of transactions over networks may be maintained.

So things about very serious and we must care about the confidentiality, integrity and most important secret information, which is position on digital world. So if it disclosed, so it will harm our projects / Businesses / Sometimes good will. This course provides practical knowledge (with theoretical lectures) to allow Information Security Mangers to understand the latest algorithms have been used in security world and also understanding about the Network Security.

OSI and TCP/IP models
Protocol types and security issues
LAN, WAN, MAN, intranet, and extranet technologies
Cable types and data transmission types
Network devices and services
Communications security management
Telecommunications devices and technologies
Remote connectivity technologies
Wireless technologies
Network encryption
Threats and attacks
Software-defined routing
Content distribution networks
Multilayer protocols
Convergent network technologies