Winning With God’s Promises Book by Richard L. Gill

"""To me, winning in life means that God's promises, contained in His Word, are happening in my life daily. I also believe this is God's idea as well, as noted in, Job 36:11: If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. The question is, """"How does this happen?""""
In Mark 11: 23-24, in the Bible, it says: """"For assuredly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. When we really get into the meat of this verse, it plays out like this: we can tell the mountains (sickness, poverty, danger, fear, and the devil, etc.) to get out of our lives. However, we must have confidence that the mountain will get out. Finally, when we tell the mountain to go; it must obey what we tell it to do; and what we speak must happen.

How do we build confidence in words and whose word do we use to get results? Of course, the only word that is dependable is God's Word. Confidence comes after we have spoken God's Word until it is to the only word we believe. When this happens, His Word has finally become a part of us. At this point, we only believe God's Word, nothing else; and we can expect to receive God's promises.
This book was compiled to help us do exactly that-Speak God's Word and put it into our hearts until we do not doubt. Instead, we believe: we believe and expect what we say will happen in our lives, according to God's Word. As a result, we will experience God's promises in our lives daily! Wow! What a simple plan…What an amazing God."""